"he brought down a blue tick hound..." [Puppies]
Uploaded: March 08, 2011 04:14:08
Well I paid off the guard and I slipped out a letter
To my cousin up in Tennessee
Oh and he brought down a blue tick hound
She was pretty as she could be
Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/6 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 100, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 18.00 mm, Model: NIKON D80
Courtenay Vanderbilt March 08, 2011
'Ole Red' Blake Shelton#1359006
Courtenay Vanderbilt March 08, 2011
Oooop! I lied about the camera. So used to clicking D700! This is the D80 which can be fired wirelessly. #9279317Courtenay Vanderbilt March 08, 2011
Forgot the Video...wrestling with an upper respiratory infection. The symptoms aren't so bad but this fever is kicking my a.....sorry!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jJf-p6RYv #9279323
MELODIE C. ROBERTS March 08, 2011
Morning Court
R. J. Laudenbacher
March 08, 2011
Robert R. Goodman March 08, 2011
Hi Courtenay,Excellent capture my friend.I'm sure Blake and Miranada are going to be very happy together.Sorry to hear your not feeling well,Try to stay inside and stay warm!!! #9279360
Carolyn M. Fletcher
March 08, 2011
Dr Silly
March 08, 2011
Dr Silly
March 08, 2011
Ken Smith
March 08, 2011
Danny B. Head March 08, 2011
Love the POV...so creative! #9279477Michelle Alton March 08, 2011
Your inspiration must have come on a blazing steed, Courtenay. Wow! I could see this series being used to produce an ad for the next Superbowl! #9279478Ron McEwan March 08, 2011
LOL good one again Courtenay. So this is what it looks like when my Oscar is caged. #9279491
Linda D. Lester
March 08, 2011
Douglas Pignet March 08, 2011
LOL Way to funny Courtenay kewl capture with wonderful colors and lighting #9279504Monnie Ryan March 08, 2011
And what did you pay him to let you climb inside that crate (or maybe I should ask what you paid him to let you back OUT..)? :-D Terrific capture, Courtenay! #9279578
John Rivera
March 08, 2011
Roxanne M. Bubar March 08, 2011
Creative and cool pov and image. #9279666Jack Ryan March 08, 2011
Excellent and interesting POV...very cool...very creative...very well done. #9279962Jeana Clark March 08, 2011
~J~ #9280062
Patrick Rouzes
March 08, 2011
Hope you feel better soon!!! #9280163
John Benway March 08, 2011
Very creative Courtenay, love it.Sharon Sawyer March 08, 2011
Excellent capture with an outstanding story telling pov, Courtenay!!! You are sooooooo creative, girlfriend. I love the whole series... it's brilliant. Also, congratulations on your two second place wins in the Southeastern Flower Show!!! WTG! Hope you're feeling better soon. GB #9280175Mike Clime March 08, 2011
Excellent capture and comp, Courtenay! Looks like the camera was getting time out in the dog cage. #9280210John Connolly March 08, 2011
Brilliant work here Courtenay, your creative genious has excelled itself with this fine production! #9280326
Claudia Kuhn
March 08, 2011
Carol L. Fowler March 08, 2011
This stokes the imagination! Why is he on the other side of the gate! Many possibilities here! #9280505Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna March 08, 2011
Very creative with super lighting and effects, Couirtenay! :-) k #9280615Phyllis H. Burchett March 08, 2011
Brilliant! #9280873
Kathy Salerni
March 08, 2011
Debra R. Harder March 12, 2011
This is such a great series, Courtenay!! I love "story-telling" images. Fabulous POV, details, colors and exposure. Brilliant again! jsb #9287176Kaye Burazin March 13, 2011
awesome perspective and loved the little ditty that went with it #9288859Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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