To the Beat of a Different Drum
Published in a featured article at gonomad.com, this photo is one I'll never forget. It was taken 22AUG2009 at 12:56PM, using a Manfrotto 725B Tripod, Pentax 18-250@18mm, Cable Release, Spot-metered and panning. f/11 1/60 ISO 100.
The rituals being performed only occur once every two years. It was the Shinugu Matsuri (Festival) in Ada Kunigami Okinawa, Japan. For me, it was a twenty hour day. I had a translator on the assignment with me. I gave her around 50 Model Release Forms, all in Japanese. I wanted to concentrate on shooting, only. And I tried to make my shots with as few recognizable faces as possible. The next day, I found out, we had no Release Forms signed. Almost six weeks later, we went back to the village and found, Furugen, the man with the drum. I gave him a print of my favorite shot that day. He smiled and bowed. And he signed a Release !
Uploaded on November 24, 2009