Photo Discussion
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My Sister Diane

  My Sister Diane
My Sister Diane
5.6, 125, main 1/8, fill on floor in back 1/16

Donna R. Leicht


Jeffrey Judd

Very nice photo! I really have to get set up to take portraits. I bought my 10D so that I can take photos of my family (mainly), but have only taken shots of them on Holidays with furniture, etc. for a backdrop! I really need to take the time for the important things in life and get some backdrops and lights and get some photos of my family. Once again, this is a very good photo, Donna.

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May 02, 2004


Donna R. Leicht
  Diane? or Carmen?
Diane? or Carmen?
125, 5.6, main 1/8 with large soffbox, fill on floor in back with sm. soffbox 1/16

Donna R. Leicht

Thank you for your kind comments. I have 3 brothers and sisters, and Diane, an adult with Down's Syndrome is by far the most photogenic of us. Here's a funny one she and I thought up during the same shoot, (I hope)! Enjoy!

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May 03, 2004

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