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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

how do I get backgrounds?

How do I aquire backgrounds for photos
eg I want to modify a picture, don't have any new backgrounds, how do I get them from where and how?

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May 21, 2004


Willy Maes
I suppose you're speaking about creating backgrounds while editing your pictures.
In Photoshop I very often play around with different layers, filling a layer eg just with a color and then use different filters. Of course you have first to extract the picture you want to keep and then apply the filter or a combination with filters. Of course you also can merge with another picture you have been adjusting first etc etc

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February 01, 2006


Michelle Ochoa
  Or if you want a shortcut, go to ebay and do a search under Digital Backgrounds. You'll find a ton that sell 100 on a CD for about $10. Of course it's more limiting than doing it yourself, but if you lack the time, knowledge, or creativity, it's worth it!

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February 03, 2006


Willie L

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February 04, 2006

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