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Alana H. Shores

Auto Focus Problem - N8008

I recently purchased a used Nikon N8008 in very good condition. The first time I used it, I used a manual focus portrait lens on it and all was fine. Yesterday, I tried it with a 28mm prime autofocus lens and have discovered what may be a problem (excuse my ignorance as this may not be a problem - just something I am unfamiliar with). When you focus on something near or the lens is already set close to what it needs to be everything is fine. However when you change to something far away and depress the shutter half way it re-focuses on the new object as normal but when you try to press the button all the way to take the picture it makes a "whirring" sound and the shutter will not fire. If you lift your finger and try again it will slightly "fine tune" the focus and the shutter will fire off. My Nikon N6006 did not do this, which makes me think this may be a problem. Any help or suggestions for me? Thank you. Hope Shores

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January 20, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  It's having trouble locking on when you go from close to far away. That can happen when you have a wide angle lens on an auto focus body. Auto focus bodies with small aperture zooms can do fine when you point at different objects that are far away. But if you got from far away to close, it can take a couple of tries to lock on to the object.
If you were on the tracking auto focus mode where it follows a moving subject, you may get quicker focusing if you set to the one shot auto focus.
I don't think you necessarily have a bad camera. The N6006 may just have had a better focusing system in it.

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January 20, 2004

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