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Photography Question 

Lena Antaramian

Please help with 'Type' tool

Hello all,

I am trying to use the 'Type' tool but whatever text I type while the tool is in the 'edit' mode' is used to name a layer - i.e. if I type 'Sample' on the 'Type' box, when I click 'OK' the name of the text layer is changed to 'Sample', but I don't see the text appear anywhere on the image. I tried changing font colors, but that does not work either.

I feel really silly asking this question but I just spent over 30 min on this and still can't figure out how to do it. Any help is really appreciated!


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May 05, 2009


Debra Booth
  It sounds like it is working right, but here are a couple of things to check.

First, make sure the text layer is on top of any other layers that might obscure it. You might select your highest layer first before you begin to type text.

Second, the text might be too small or the wrong color to show up. When you have the text tool selected, you should be able to change the font, the text size, and the color. (If you want to change those characteristics after you type something, I think you have to select the text first.)

Hope that helps.

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May 05, 2009

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