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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Quality of digital shot on printing press

I bought Kodak digital 290 Camera, to shoot digital photos of Golf Shirts so that I can get a catalog printed. Following are the problems I encounter with my catalog.
1. Photos are not very sharp, I take them outside in shade away from sun. I lay the golf shirts on the floor and shoot.
2. We have 14 different colors of golf shirts and camera does not capture the true color of the fabric.
3. I try to correct the color in Adobe Photoshop but it looks great on the screen, but on the press it prints little different.
Any Suggestions, help please!
I am new in photography.
If I shoot golf shirts inside the house what kind of flash shall I use?
or is there any kind of special bulbs I can buy from camera store or hardware store?
How can I creat a correct light environment to shoot these Golf Shirts. I require 4 square ft. area.

I would really appreciate any help.

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January 16, 2002

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