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Photography Question 

Marc A. Bailey

Manually adjusting a Lumix Digital Camera

I have been shooting for about a year with a Panasonic Lumix DMC LC-80 Digital Camera - a fairly standard point and shoot digital camera.

It does OK on landscapes, but in order to improve my shots further I need to play with the settings (eg shutter speed) manually. For the life of me I cannot figure out how! there are practically no manual options on the camera's menu, and the users manual is useless. If anyone knows a way to actually control the settings rather than trusting it on auto it would be much appreciated!

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September 12, 2005


Jon Close
  As you stated, the LC80 is a fairly standard point & shoot. As is typical for this type of camera, it only has full auto exposure modes. You cannot directly set a shutter speed or the aperture. All you can do is select a mode that is close to what you want.

For faster shutter speeds, use the Portrait mode or set higher ISO. For slower shutter speeds, set the lowest ISO and use Landscape mode.

For wider apertures, use Portrait mode and lowest ISO. For smaller apertures, use Landscape and set higher ISO.

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September 12, 2005


Jon Close
  P.S. You can use Neutral Density filters to also get slower shutter speeds + wider apertures in any mode.

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September 12, 2005


Marc A. Bailey
  Thanks Jon, I thought as much, but was just checking I wasnt missing the blindingly obvious!

I have fiddled with the ISO as you suggested, but must admit, that most of my 'knowledge' has been gained by trial and error rather than insight, what exactly am I doing when I play with the ISO?

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September 12, 2005


Marc A. Bailey
  Thanks Jon, I thought as much, but was just checking I wasnt missing the blindingly obvious!

I have fiddled with the ISO as you suggested, but must admit, that most of my 'knowledge' has been gained by trial and error rather than insight, what exactly am I doing when I play with the ISO?

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September 12, 2005

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