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Photography Question 

Barefoot Photography by Tina Doane

technical lighting question

I'm sorry, it's me again with another studio lighting question. Is it normally this impossable to learn?

I have falsh lights, a softbox. I metered the softbox about six feet from backdrop and the reading 8, but I wanted to do 11, So I stepped back and then the reading was 5.6. At that point I was confused because I though the reading would be less not more. Then just out of frusrtation I metered very closelt to the soft box and the reading 22. I know I am missing something. Can someone simply the inverse square law to me.


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August 20, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  The opposite of what you did. The closer the light, the brighter it is.

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August 20, 2005

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