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Photography Question 
- Nevia Cashwell

Contact Nevia Cashwell
Nevia Cashwell's Gallery

Shooting at Disney World

Hello. I am traveling to Orlando next week and will be visting both Disney World and Sea World. For Disney, I will be spending time during both the day and the night. Was wondering if anyone had any tips that might be helpful, i.e. types of lenses I should carry, security imposed by Disney, photo ops I should not miss. Thanks in advance for any input. Nevia

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May 16, 2005


Buddy Purugganan
  Carry wide-angle ( 28mm or 35mm ) lenses with ZOOM ( i.e. 28-300mm Tamron or 28-210mm from Tokina ---all AF or autofocus ). In film cameras, carry PLENTY of films ( ISO 200 or 400 )and a compact POINT & SHOOT camera if you have no time to FOCUS and SHOOT! If you got an SLR camera, bring FLASH UNIT with full-powered batteries and extra batteries, if you feel your batteries will get low ANYTIME. Make sure there's a high shutter speed in your camera in case you want to take FAST action photos, i.e. kids splashing in the water, merry-go-round shots, etc. Photo ops? Well, if the mascots are posing with the kids, let them all ENJOY their company and its a GREAT time for your AF camera! Get low to the kids' heights to add dimension to your photos....Use a vertical position with your camera and make sure your flash is ready in LOW LIGHT. ENJOY!

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May 18, 2005

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